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Shirt: Banana republic, Jeans: gifted and altered from flares to skinnies; Vest: American Girl, altered to be more fitted; Boots: gifted; Jewelery: random beads. |
<<Flash Back<<
Sunday night was date night, but that didn't register in my head until we were already at the mall and husband looks down at my feet and says "You wore those on our date?" He is, of course, referencing the purple rain boots I received as a gift from my mother {who reads this blog} that I wore because a) I was excited to wear them, and b) because I thought I was going to just lounge around and be comfy (aka sloppy). As I have told you before, Hubby doesn't like rain boots, purple or otherwise. We had a lengthy discussion about paying attention to each other, blah, blah, blah, ::tears::, blah, blah, ::annoying drama::, blah, blah, ::hugs::, ::kisses::, blah, blah.
Lesson Learned: rainboots are NOT appropriate date attire and dinner and a movie always equals a date.
But "Tron" was excellent. It killed all the bad mojo in the air and replaced it with amazing techno-music and neon light wonderfulness. We saw it with the D-Box seats and it was like being on a better and extended version of Star Tours. It was AWESOME! So glad I saw it in the theater! Oh, and check this out:
The gentleman on the left is the character Castor from the new Tron movie. As soon as he walked on screen I thought to myself, "Hm, now doesn't he look familiar..." Ladies and Gents, this guy (in make-up, that is) is a dead ringer for David Bowie circa 1980's-ish. I used to have nightmares about David Bowie from the movie "Labyrinth," he scared the living day-lights out of me, but I love him anyway. Well, this Castor character's got that same creepiness to him that Jareth did. Maybe that's why I've been avoiding my computer. I was going to put a comparison photo together myself, but when I googled "Castor Tron David Bowie" this pic came up and I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. It totally made my day. :)
>>On Monday>>
Monday was the day I volunteered to spend with my niece. SIL thinks I was doing her a favor, but I really just needed an excuse to go do all the cool kid stuff again. So we went to Disneyland, full well knowing it would be a zoo, to run around and have some fun. We got there pretty early and headed out on a raft to Tom Sawyer's Island. My niece loved it! We spent a good two hours running around the caves and across the bridges. By the time we made it around to the front of the island, all of New Orlean's Square was jammed with a sea of people. It was nuts. The park actually SOLD OUT of tickets!! But it was still fun and we managed to get in a few more attractions. The worst part was trying to get out of Disneyland...talk about fighting the tide!Lesson Learned: No matter how crowded it is, Disneyland is still fun when experienced as a child.
>>On Tuesday>>
I slept in til noon. There! I admitted it! And it felt goooooooood! ::sticks out tongue:: Then I went shopping for house goods and drove down to Long Beach for dinner with my gal-pals. I love those girls; we're like peas in a pod, and nothing can tear us apart. ::crowd says awe...:: It's cheesy, but true. <3
So, this week's been average. Not too eventful, not too boring. I should be cranking out some more fiction, though. After seeing "Tron" and getting halfway through Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy in one night, I'm definitely in Sci-Fi mode and the creative juices are a-flowin'! I also have Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter on my shelf, so there might be some more horror being posted.
Okay, done for now, more tomorrow, and let's all wish that I come up with something more interesting to post. I feel like I've just typed a whole lot of fluff.