The Holiday crunch has caught me, and that means that I've been thoroughly distracted by EVERYTHING. Between gift shopping, gift giving, gift wrapping, gift unwrapping, gift making, and cooking, I've just been lost. I even had a melt down after a trip to the post office (I guess you could say I went postal). To make up for my lack of blogging, here's a holiday poem I threw together. Disclaimer: I never said I was a poet.
Twas the week before Christmas...
and I was a wreck,
I had stuff to be mailed and a dress to erect,

but then my sweet honey,
decided I must just open one gift.
He smiled and pointed, and wheedled and pinched,
until I gave in and pulled out a gift that was his.
The truth of matter {If you can't already see}
is that I'd been itching for him to open his gift from me.
So we sat on the floor and swapped coy little smiles,
as we ripped off the paper that had been on the boxes for just a short while.

mine a Flip camera with a display that does slide,
and his a large jar with "Joe Jost's" inscribed.
He couldn't believe that I'd bought him a jar,
to make pickled eggs in, from his favorite bar.
But, no, I said sweetly, as he looked the thing over,
the jar was not bought, but made by your lover.
Then off to the market, I flew like a flash,
to buy pickling spices and eggs for my man.
Upon coming home, I whipped out the tripod,
and set up my camera to film my goings-on.
And here's a short film of me making pickled eggs for Marty in his new jar! I look like a wreck, but it was the weekend. At least my outfit is quasi-festive.
You're better at sewing than I am. I failed pattern making 101.