Today's Doings:
* Went to CSULB to turn in some paper work, and I am officially a college student again! Actually, I can now call myself a grad student, which I think is pretty cool. I got a cool credential program admittance card too. I was a little bummed to learn
that those little cards are actually just printed on card stock and cut out with scissors. I still feel like I'm a member of some cool teaching club, though. And while I was feeling so very collegiate, I took a trip down to the bookstore to grab a CSULB pride lanyard. After being at Davis, I feel like I need to show some more school spirit than I have been in my post-graduate years. That's when I saw this:
Screw that!!! See those poor bastards standing behind the registers? That was me last week! Thank GOD I didn't have to wear a hideous shirt like they were though! Not only was it a T-shirt advertising the buy-back, but it was an obnoxious shade of fake-money green!!! Blech!
*ALSO did lots of Christmas shopping! Samurai Hell Kitty: You are taken care of! I found you an extra sinister gifty. Mom, you're done, but you already knew that. The little sis is done and so is my other fabulous S.I.L.. I'm also proud to announce that HUBBY is taken care of! I even got him stocking stuffers! I'm doing so much better this year, and I promise that I did not buy you anything that you already have; I checked all of your stuff before I bought. He's gonna love it! I wish I could show it to all of you blog readers out there, but that would spoil the surprise since I think he reads this but doesn't tell me. So, you'll have to wait til after Christmas to see it!
* Jedi Training Academy shirt is in it's fourth hot water wash. I did a wash and soak with about 3 cups of vinegar, THEN did a wash with about a cup and a half of baking soda. No more diy explosions for me! I think I'll run it through the dryer a few times and then see how it's turned out.
Super Power Up Bonus!!
While decorating the tree last night, I found a little red envelope at the bottom of of the Christmas tub. In it I found this:
and a Starbuck's gift card!! Thank you, Logan (One of my former sixth graders)! And I still have the little Santa that came with the gift card; he's sitting in my window. :) It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to remember my very first class to call my own. Someday, soon, that will happen again. Sara, if you're reading this, I'm almost there! Save me a spot!

New Learnings
- Bookstores are addicting and will cost you a parking ticket if you let yourself wander (this is actually a recurring lesson).
- Parking at a meter immediately after the meter-maid/man has come by means you're probably clear to go over your meter time by at least ten minutes.
- Square drinking glasses are a lot harder to come by than I thought.
- Going back to your college is lot more rewarding than going back to your high school.
- The Container Store just might be heaven on Earth.
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Spit it out already. Hit me with your best shot! ;)