You ever have "one of those days"? Of course you do. We all do; that's how we all know what "one of those days" means. Well, it was "one of those days" for me. I overslept because I didn't get any sub calls. I love to sleep in. I have actually spent 24 hours in bed before just because I like sleeping. The down side is that when I wake up I feel like I've been hit by a truck. So, that's how I felt this morning...as I rushed outside, in the rain, in my pjs, to move my car because I parked in the leasing center's parking last night (it's ok to park there from 6pm to 9am). Upon moving my car I ripped one of my paper-thin finger nails that I've trying to grow out for 5 months. Sucky. But I did have time to make corn pudding this morning. In fact, I made two batches: one for me and one for the Christmas party at my old school. That was the awesome part of my day. I love the people I (used to) work with. I also got the good news that the district is allowing teachers to choose their subs again! Hooray! This should mean lots more work for me!
Oh, and it rained today. Sort of. It was more of fast-paced drizzle. Which is yucky. It's not really heavy enough to merit an umbrella, but it still gets you wet and you still need to use your windshield wipers. And nobody knows how to drive in it. Everyone was driving half the speed limit and it took twice as long to go anywhere. C'mon people! It's just a little rain! Get it together and know where you're going!
And I love my corn pudding. It's delish. It's also one of the only things I know how to successfully cook. Yum!
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