Jacket: gifted, brand: Split; Shirt: also gifted; Belt: from my Grandpa (my grandparents have THE best clothes! No joke.); Pants: Kohl's; Leg-warmers (squee!): Target; Boots: F21; Earrings: made by my cousin's wife's sister, Heidi. |
Another attempt to get back to my old self, since I don't have work today due to personal obligations. Speaking of personal obligations, why is it so darn difficult to get television service set up? I mean, if there's a satellite in the sky, then why is it that our home is never facing that particular direction? And cable: why can't you just have the programming my husband wants?!? I'm good with the basics and a little HGTV and DIY Network thrown in, but Hubby needs his football (which means that I get some peace!)!
So let's talk
COFFEE! I love this stuff! I can't start my day without it, or I'll feel sad and deprived and be in a general funk all day. My students know that a day with no coffee on the teacher's desk is a baaaaad day. The little darlings always gave me Starbuck's cards for the holidays. Aren't kids sweet? I'd be happy to take ground coffee too ::wink wink::
↑ This is my super-duper, absolutely amazing, and fantabulous coffee maker! Which was bought by my super-duper, absolutely amazing, and fantabulous husband. It's a Kuerig machine, which means that I can have my sweet, sugary coffee and Marty can have his regular, tough, and manly black coffee. It also means a lot less wasted coffee that goes cold. It only has one eensy-weensy problem: It sounds like a rocket ship when it brews. See, the water gets heated to some outrageously high temperature and then gets shot through the little little K-cups (that's what I'm holding in the other pic) at 35 mph. This all makes for excellent coffee at the perfect temperature, but it's a little jarring when you've just rolled out of bed. The newer machines are quieter, but not nearly as stylish. My mom is totally envious of ours because it's a discontinued model. She wants it. Bad. Almost to the point of buying us a new coffee machine so that she can take this one. But she knows I love it, and she's not willing to fork out the $300 bucks for the new stainless steel one. So I'll have to live with my little rocket ship. I wonder if I can find a coffee mug that looks like a little space ship...?
Jedi Shirt Project Update
I think I've succeeded in...shrinking the shirt. Which is fine, it needed to be shrunk anyway. It seems a little bit softer, but not at all thinner (fabric wise, that it). I think it's also faded a little, which is also fine. Maybe I should try dragging it around town behind my car? Running over it? Stringing it up on a flag pole during a storm? Any suggestions are more than welcome!
New Learnings
- Do NOT attempt to finish an art project, that requires the object you're working on to sit in you lap, in one day. It will result in immense neck pain.
- Leg warmers are just plain fun to wear; who cares what they look like.
- Boys shirts are very durable.
- I still FAIL at wrapping gifts, but have improved in the gift shopping department.
- I'm going to have to break down my thoughts on and analysis of Obi-Wan Kenobi, because they are too vast and numerous for one post.
- That's it for today because it's still early and I haven't even left the house yet.
I love the leg warmers. While I don't have a pair, I did get asked the other day if I had them on. Really, they were just over the knee socks over jeans, but under boots. I laughed.
ReplyDeleteI love the whole outfit, really.
And about the Jedi Academy Training Shirt. I <3 that you are a sci-fi geek with me. I mean, I had a phaser in middle school, Reggie. A phaser. And anytime I hear an educator use the word "engage" I think of Star Trek. That's bad. I know.
Good luck in softening it...I love worn-in super soft shirts. FYI, American Apparel's 50/50 blend feels like soft, vintage. My favorite shirts ever.
I am SO there with you. I had a communication badge complete with Picard's voice. Thanks for your outfit support! I had a woman tell me "That's a bright shade of green" today, and I wasn't sure if it was a compliment or criticism. I can't believe how tough it is to break in this shirt. I want it to look like I've mastered many lightsaber sparring rounds!!