Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Not Feeling So Blue

          This is one of my standard teaching outfits. This blouse always looks good on me and will go with anything. The only thing I compromise on is the fact that reaching above my head digs the sleeves into my arms and sorta cuts off the circulation. But who needs to reach above their head anyway, eh? I worked at my old middle school today {not the one that I went to as a kid; the one that I taught at last year} and subbing there always gives me a sense of peace. It's familiar and I feel safe there. Maybe that's why I wore one of my "standards" today.
        Or maybe I threw on a standard because I am lazy. I could have sworn that I saw an "InStyle" magazine app for the iPhone that would display outfit suggestions based on popular trends and styles. I want that app. If anyone knows what it's actually called, I would really appreciate the tip. Typing "style" into the app store search engine yielded as many results as asking the rainbow what her favorite color is.
          Speaking of color, today's post is titled "Not Feeling So Blue" and here's why: I accepted a long term sub assignment at Los Alisos Middle School! I'm very excited about it. Not only is the cash-flow a welcome change, but the site is also a relief to my nerves. My dear friend Adrienne of Vintage Pencils, taught at Los Alisos last year and it is also where I have other close friends. I'm looking forward to making new teaching friends and getting a normal schedule back in my life.


And if you can't already tell, I'm feeling SUPER confident this evening! I feel like I can do anything. The Force must be with me today. ;)

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Spit it out already. Hit me with your best shot! ;)