Sunday, August 28, 2011

Doctor, Doctor! Gimme the News...

I love the Doctor [Insert hysterical laughing at those that just just said "Doctor who?"].Everything about the show just makes me feel warm and sparkly inside. There's comedy, adventure, romance, and space and time travel. What else could a girl ask for? It also helps that the Doctor's also become rather handsome in his latest regenerations, but that's just icing on the cake. I'm perfectly happy to watch adventures of the doctor during his white haired I'm-an-old-professor days, too.

But to celebrate the premiere of series 6, part 2, I'm going to share with you some of my favorite Doctor Who and Doctor Who inspired accessories! Click on the photos to buy them yourself!

1) Red Wedge Trainers

In honor of the Tenth Doctor (who frequently sported red and cream Chucks) I picked up these adorable, girly red wedges. When paired with pants (especially suit pants) they give that same playful attitude of the Tenth Doctor. Why not just go with ACTUAL red Chucks, you ask? Well, I'm short, so if I CAN have the comfort and casual air of a sneaker with the height of a heel, I'm going for it!

2) TARDIS coffee mug (with lid!)

Thank you, Mommy for this awesome out-of-the-TARDIS-blue gift. It holds a large amount of coffee (the largest setting on my Keurig) which means I can be as wired as any version of the Doctor. Plus, the lid means that I can keep my coffee warmer longer!

3) Sonic Screwdriver (version 9/10) Pen

I love all versions of the Doctor, but Nine/Ten's sonic screwdriver is my favorite. The Anglophenia Blog said it best: "a very thin blue torch with dreams of becoming a lightsabre when it grows up". I think that sums up my fascination with this particular version. A birthday gift from my Mum, this is actually a toy sold in the UK and has both a black pen tip and a UV ink tip (with the sonic screwdriver emitting a UV light when the buttons are pressed). I've super glued the black ink tip onto it so that I can use this pen for everyday use. It permanently resides in my purse, ready to be whipped out in the case of a handwriting emergency...or to play with when I'm bored. PS: It's quite effective at jarring unsuspecting students with its "bzzzz" noise.

4) "The Angels Have the Phone Box" T-Shirt

Larry Nightingale, you are a genius. One of my absolute favorite episodes and it's iconic line is that a te-shirt was made out of the Doctor's words! I wonder if I can get away with wearing this to work....

5) TARDIS Key Necklace

A Sylvester McCoy era key. It bears the seal of Rasillon (the power hungry bastard) and has a kind of Celtic look to it. It works great as a piece of everyday jewelry that is a subtle hint to my nerdage. I usually get lots of compliments on it, but no one has actually recognized it yet.

6) TARDIS Cameo Pendant

I made this out of a broken cameo from my Mom (blog entry here). It's also a subtle jewelry statement, but not nearly as deep in nerdage as my TARDIS key. This is a nice chunky pendant that looks good on a long chain.

7) Rainbow Crochet Vest

OK, this one might be a bit of a stretch, but I'm including it anyway. If the fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) had been a woman, I believe this is what she would have chosen instead of that massive scarf...or even if the sixth Doctor (Colin Baker) had been a women. Anyway, I feel that this vest captures the spirit of the Doctor during his most colorful incarnations.

8) Brown Jacket

Another stretch, but this cheap brown jacket definitely says "David Tennant" to me. The color, the weight, the split up the middle; it's a girly version of Ten's favorite brown duster and wearing it makes me want to go gallivanting off shouting "Allons y!"


  1. I want a fez. Everyone knows fezes are cool.

  2. I've only watched one episode so I don't know enough of the DW culture :(


Spit it out already. Hit me with your best shot! ;)