Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 5: 30 days without make up

Looking back at three days of pictures, I figured you didn't really want to see my face every day. :p

My face doesn't feel raw in the mornings anymore, but it is starting to feel...oil? Mostly around the bridge of my nose. It might be from my glasses. Am I supposed to wash my glasses on some sort or regular basis? I've never worn my glasses for this many days in a row.

Perhaps my face just feels weird because its been soooooo cold! I know, I know: this is nothing compared to the north west or the east coast, but I'm a SoCal native and my body thinks this cold is unbearable. It sucks the most because this means I would probably freeze to death in London in the Winter. I was cold there in July! So sad, so sad.


I had a great first week back at work. I was so happy that my students were willing and ready to jump back in the saddle! I dare say they were more prepared to get back to work than I was!

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Spit it out already. Hit me with your best shot! ;)